Monday, February 24, 2020

7 Diet 'Rules' Nutritionists Want You to Stop Following

By Isadora Baum

It's hard to distinguish the good nutrition advice from the bad, especially when there are so many conflicting arguments online —and sometimes, even experts have different opinions. But if you're looking to change your diet to eat better, live healthier and feel happier, you want to make sure you're taking the right steps toward achieving your goals.

This can be a challenge, as there are some diet myths out there that people are still buying into, thinking that they're proven formulas to expedite weight loss and promote clean eating. But these approaches can backfire — in fact, restrictive tendencies and bad eating patterns can lead to self-sabotage and stagnation.

To help you comb through all the clutter, we chatted with a few experts to figure out which pieces of nutrition advice should be rejected and what you should do instead. Here are the dieting mistakes you should avoid.

1. The More Fiber the Better

Fiber is super good for you, as it keeps you regular and helps you feel full, so you want to get enough of it in your diet through fiber-rich foods, like beans and legumes, leafy greens, whole grains and fresh fruit with the skin on. However, it's a myth that you should eat as much fiber as you can each day, as too much can backfire.

"'Eat more fiber' is common dietary advice because major studies show that the majority of people don't eat enough of this nutrient. And fiber is essential for gut, metabolic and cardiovascular health," says Sofia Norton, RD. However, too much of a good thing can lead to some side effects, which can make you super uncomfortable.

"Too much fiber causes bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation and even bowel obstruction. Keep your intake to a maximum of 70 grams per day to avoid this," Norton says.

For the record, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend women aim for 25 to 28 grams of fiber per day, and men try to get 28 to 33, depending on age.

2. Eat Less Fat So You Don't Gain Fat

Fat is no longer the enemy. And while you might not need to hop on the keto diet (where fat makes up about 80 percent of your plate), it is beneficial to eat enough healthy fats, from unsaturated sources and omega 3s especially, as well as moderate amounts of saturated fat to actually lose weight and maintain healthy bodily function.

"For people on the standard American diet, reducing fat intake can help keep their calories in check, their cholesterol levels normal and their metabolic health top-notch," Norton says. "But going to extremes with low-fat eating can lead to overindulging on carbs and nutrient deficiencies according to some research." So, eat enough to feel satiated in the day and to keep your health in check.

3. Cut Back on Carbs

Again, keto or low-carb dieting might be great for some people, but it's not a one-diet-fits-all sort of thing. That's why some experts want the "carbs are evil" myth to go out the window, as some carbs, when enjoyed in moderation, are packed with good nutrients to fuel you.

It comes down to what types of carbs you're eating and how much.

"You might want to think twice before giving all carbs a bad rap," says Bonnie Balk, RD, a dietitian for Maple Holistics. "Simple carbs (cookies, pastries, sodas, candy, etc.) are digested quickly and spike our blood sugar fast, making them a good group to avoid. But complex carbs (whole grains, starchy veggies, beans and peas) are loaded with fiber and nutrients and can aid in weight loss," she says. The bottom line: You can still live well by eating carbs!

4. Don't Eat Too Late at Night

You don't need to stop eating at 6 p.m. to lose weight or live healthfully. It comes down to total calories; and while you might have less opportunity to burn calories at night and when sleeping than earlier in the day, you can surely have a snack before bed without it leading to weight gain.

"It is a myth that all food turns to fat after a certain hour of the day. If you're (truly) hungry, you should eat," says Dana Angelo White, RD, a dietitian and nutrition consultant. "Now, it can't be a high-calorie, junk food free-for-all, but a sensible snack can help more than hurt," she says.

Healthy options include yogurt, cottage cheese, nut butter on toast or some avocado and whole-grain crackers.

5. If You Exercise, You Can Eat Whatever You Want

Hitting the weight room or taking strength-training classes helps build muscle and keep fat off, but you can't let your diet slide, as exercise alone can't make you healthy. And you don't necessarily even need to workout to lose weight or feel better, as long as your diet improves, too.

What you eat can protect your heart and help with weight management, or it can add excess calories and sugar to derail all your fitness gains.

"Diet quality always matters!" White says. "While you can certainly partake in the occasional splurge, you need to fuel your workouts with healthy foods. Stick to lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains, and keep added sugars low."

6. Agave, Coconut Sugar and Maple Syrup Are Different Than Sugar

For some reason, these more natural sources of sugar get a better reputation than refined table sugar, as many bloggers use them for "healthy" makeovers of baked goods. We hate to break it you, but sugar is sugar. Your body does not care if it comes from honey or soda.

"To be fair, you may pick up a few extra vitamins or minerals from unrefined sugar sources, but calorie for calorie, your waistline views them all the same way," says Lauren Harris-Pincus, RDN, author of The Protein-Packed Breakfast Club. "Instead, focus on minimizing all added sugars."

The American Heart Association recommends keeping the total to 24 grams per day for women (6 teaspoons) and 36 grams per day (9 teaspoons) for men.

If you don't like artificial sweeteners, there are naturally derived options like stevia, erythritol, allulose and monk fruit, Harris-Pincus says, which don't spike blood sugar and are healthier for weight loss.

7. Skipping Breakfast Will 'Save' Calories

Some people hear about 16:8 intermittent fasting for weight loss — where you fast for 16 hours each day and eat your meals within the other eight-hour window — and think, "That basically just means skipping breakfast." But nixing the first meal of the day is not a magic formula for weight loss.

"While there is emerging evidence that time-restricted eating during an eight- to 12-hour window can have some health benefits, intermittent fasting does not seem to result in any more weight loss than a traditional calorie-restricted diet," says Harris-Pincus. "The studies that show the most benefit have the eating window shifted earlier in the day, so if you like this approach, make sure to include breakfast within about two hours of waking up and aim for an eating window from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or at the latest 10 6 p.m.," she says.

The body doesn't process and metabolize food as well in the evening as it does in the morning, since it slows down to prepare for sleep, so avoiding extra calories at night might be better than skipping them early in the morning if you are following a fasting plan.

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Monday, February 3, 2020

Heart Health Tips

February is American Heart Month. Did you know about 2,200 Americans die each day from cardiovascular diseases? That’s about one every 40 seconds. Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined.

American Heart Month is an excellent time to teach your family and friends that cardiovascular disease can often be prevented by making healthy choices and properly managing their existing health conditions.

You might not give it much thought throughout the day, but your heart is working around the clock for you. Your heart is the most important muscle in your body because it pumps blood and oxygen to all of your organs.
When your heart doesn’t get the care it needs, serious problems can develop in the lining of the arteries, which then lead to plaque formation.  Plaque is what leads to heart attacks and blockage of blood flow in the arteries. Understand the conditions that affect your heart and the habits that can help prevent or manage them. Taking action will help you keep your ticker in top shape.

Heart Disease


What is cholesterol?
You may think all cholesterol is bad, but your body needs some to work right.
Cholesterol is a waxy substance that your body makes and you also get from food. It allows your body to make vitamin D and certain hormones, including estrogen in women and testosterone in men, and helps with digestion.
Why should I care about cholesterol?
There are two types of cholesterol you may have heard about: High-density lipoprotein or HDL, often called good cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein or LDL, often called bad cholesterol.
Bad cholesterol can contribute to artery-clogging plaque. Good cholesterol, on the other hand, helps remove plaque. In the end, it helps protect you from getting heart disease. Having too much of the bad, or not enough of the good, can lead to heart disease.
How do I know if I have high cholesterol?
There are usually no symptoms of high cholesterol. That’s why it’s best to get your cholesterol levels checked through a blood test or home kits. You may need to go without eating, drinking, or taking medication, anywhere from nine to 12 hours before your test. Talk to your doctor about how to best prep for a home test.
That blood test will give you several numbers, including your total cholesterol, your levels of good and bad cholesterol, and triglycerides, which is a type of fat.
Here are the cholesterol and triglyceride numbers you may want to aim for:
Cholesterol Goals
Total cholesterol
Less than 200 mg/dL

LDL/Bad Cholesterol
Less than 70 mg/dL if you already have heart disease

Less than 100 mg/dL if you are at high risk for heart disease

Less than 130 mg/dL if you are at low risk for heart disease
HDL/Good CholesterolGreater than 40 mg/dL for men and greater than 50 mg/dL for women
TriglyceridesLess than 150 mg/dL

How often should I have my cholesterol levels checked?
If you are over the age of 20 and don’t have heart disease, you should have your levels checked every 4 to 6 years. You may need to get your cholesterol checked more often if you’re at risk for heart disease, have high cholesterol, or have been on medications that treat high cholesterol.
How can I lower my cholesterol levels?
Medications and lifestyle changes can help you get high cholesterol under control. Even if you don’t have high cholesterol, you can still make changes to your daily habits to lower your risk of heart disease.
Here are steps you can take:
  1. Eat healthy: Your meals should be mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, and nuts while limiting red meat and sugary foods and drinks. Bonus: Eating a heart-healthy diet can help you lose weight, which may help lower your cholesterol.
  2. Move more: Aim for 30 minutes of heart-pumping activity most days of the week. Think brisk walking, bicycling, and swimming.
  3. Quit smoking: No matter how long you’ve been a smoker, you will still benefit from quitting.
  4. Avoid secondhand smoke: Even if you don’t smoke, being around it can raise your risk of heart disease.

High Blood Pressure

What is high blood pressure?
When you have high blood pressure, also called hypertension, the force of blood against the walls of your arteries is high.
Without treatment, high blood pressure can damage your arteries, heart, kidneys, and other organs. It can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. It can also cause vision and memory loss, erectile dysfunction, fluid in the lungs, chest pain, circulatory problems, and several other conditions.
What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?
You might have heard that high blood pressure is called a “silent killer.” That’s because there may be no symptoms.
How do I know if I have high blood pressure?
A blood pressure test is the only way to know if your blood pressure is too high. During the test, a cuff is placed around your upper arm to measure the pressure of blood flowing through the arteries.
While it’s almost impossible to tell if you have high blood pressure without a test, there is something called hypertensive crisis where your blood pressure is so high that you need emergency care. In this case, you would have symptoms. If you have high blood pressure along with severe headaches or back pain, chest discomfort, nausea or vomiting, feeling nervous or anxious, visual problems, or seizure, call 911.
What do the numbers from a blood pressure test mean?
There are two numbers in blood pressure readings. If one or both are too high, you could have high blood pressure.
Systolic pressure is the top number. It tells you the pressure of blood flow on your artery’s walls when your heart is beating and pushing blood to your body. It’s the higher of the two numbers.
Diastolic pressure is the bottom number. It tells you the pressure on your artery’s walls between heartbeats, when your heart is relaxing and refilling with blood.
Understanding Blood Pressure Readings

Based on at least two readings:
NormalLess than 120/less than 80
At risk for high blood pressure120-129/less than 80
High blood pressure130/80 or higher

How often should I have my blood pressure checked?
If you have don’t have high blood pressure, you should have your pressure tested every two years after age 20. Your doctor will test it more often if you have or are at risk for high blood pressure.
How can I lower my blood pressure?
In some cases, making lifestyle changes can lower your blood pressure. Talk to your doctor to find out if you need prescription medication as well.
Whether you’re trying to prevent or treat high blood pressure, here are nine habits you should follow:
  1. Eat healthy: Fill your plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, beans, skinless poultry and lean meats, and fatty fish like salmon, trout, and herring. Limit saturated and trans fats, salt, and added sugar. It is recommended to limit salt to 2300 mg per day, and 1500 mg per day for those who have high blood pressure or are at risk- African Americans, kidney disease  and those on medication for hypertension.
  1. Get active: If you have heart disease or any other health problem, talk with your doctor before you start exercising. If you’re new to exercise or haven’t exercised in a long time, start slowly, doing just a little bit at a time.

    Eventually, you want to do aerobic exercise, like running, biking, swimming, or brisk walking, for 30 minutes most days of the week.
  1. Watch your weight: If you’re overweight, even just a small amount of weight loss (like losing 5% of your body weight) can improve your blood pressure.
  1. Manage stress: Stress can raise your blood pressure, so find ways to unwind. Exercising and getting enough sleep can help relieve tension. Or try taking 15 minutes of quiet time every day to relax. Leaning on friends and family for support and doing things you enjoy can also help you cope.
  1. Avoid tobacco smoke: If you smoke, quit. If you don’t, secondhand smoke can still damage your heart, so avoid it as much as possible.
  1. Follow directions for prescription medications: If your systolic pressure is 140 or higher or your diastolic pressure is 90 or higher, your doctor may prescribe medication. If so, make sure you take it exactly as directed.
  1. Limit your alcohol intake: For women, this means no more than one drink a day. For men, it’s no more than two. One drink equals 4 ounces of wine (about half a glass) or 12 ounces of beer (usually one can or bottle).
  1. Eat less salt (sodium). Most of the salt you get doesn’t come from the salt shaker, but from processed foods. Cut back on packaged and prepared foods for more fresh meals made at home. Aim for less than 1,500 milligrams of sodium a day.
  1. Use care with medication: Some prescription and over-the-counter medicines can have too much sodium or may raise your blood pressure. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about all of the medicines you are taking. Even things that you may consider “safe”, such as anti-inflammatories or cold medication, may increase your blood pressure.

Heart-Healthy Living

What can I do in my daily life to lower my risk of heart disease?
Even when you have several risk factors for heart disease, there are things you can do to improve your chances of avoiding it. You know you should eat healthy, exercise, and quit smoking. Here are some other steps you can take:
  1. Go for regular checkups: At least once a year, get a physical to make sure you haven’t developed any conditions that would put you at risk for heart disease, and to make sure you are controlling any conditions you already have.
  2. Keep tabs on your blood pressure and cholesterol: If you’re getting regular checkups, your doctor can help you track this, but you can also use a home blood pressure device or a blood pressure machine in a pharmacy. Your pharmacist can also check your blood pressure.
  3. Manage your diabetes: If you have diabetes, make sure you’re closely watching your blood sugar levels, eating well, and exercising.
  4. Don’t skip your medications: If you’re taking medications for blood pressure, cholesterol, or diabetes, take them as directed. If you’re having unpleasant side effects, don’t stop taking them. Instead, ask about other options.
What tools can help me keep an eye on my heart health at home?
If you’re looking to keep close tabs on your blood pressure, weight, or amount of exercise, there are some tools that can help motivate you and track your progress. Here are a few you might consider:
  1. Blood pressure monitor: This can help you track your blood pressure on your own. Look for an automatic, cuff-style, upper-arm monitor. Just make sure the cuff fits your arm before you buy it.
    Take your blood pressure twice in the morning and twice in the evening for at least 3 days to get an average reading.
  1. Heart rate monitor: These devices tell you how hard your heart is working when you do physical activity.
While many people think these are just for athletes, they can help anyone track and improve their fitness level. It can also help you avoid overdoing it.
Talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program. Your doctor can also tell you what your target heart rate should be. To get the most benefit on the heart from the exercise you are doing.
  1. Pedometer: One of the best ways to increase your activity level is to become aware of how much you move during the day, then challenge yourself to do more. A pedometer can help you do just that. For example, every 2 weeks, you might try to take 500 more steps a day. Aim for at least 10,000 steps a day.
  1. Activity tracker: If you want something a little more high-tech than a pedometer, you might consider an activity tracker. There are dozens on the market, including some that you clip on your hip or wear as a wristband. Most track steps, distance, length of activity, and calorie burn. Some even go the extra mile and track your sleep, measure your heart rate, and act as a food diary. Most sync with computers and smartphones and offer online dashboards. And some have forums and support groups online. Be careful, as they are not all 100% accurate, but they can certainly help guide you in your pursuit of getting healthy!
  1. Smartphone app: Don’t feel like investing in a pedometer or activity tracker? Then download an app onto your smartphone. There are dozens of apps that can help you count calories and track your steps, blood pressure, and weight. With some you can earn badges or points for reaching your activity goals or connect with friends for support.
  1. Scale: People who weigh themselves just once a week tend to be more successful at taking off extra pounds, so investing in a scale could help you reach your weight loss goals. Follow these tips: Weigh yourself on the same day, at the same time of day, on the same scale every week.
  1. Cholesterol home test kit: These kits, which you can buy at a pharmacy or medical supply store, allow you to test your cholesterol between doctor visits. You can have the results in a matter of minutes instead of waiting days for results from your doctor. There are electronic and manual versions. If you plan to test your cholesterol often, consider an electronic kit, which will display and store your readings.

Eating for Your Heart

How can I eat for better heart health?
You don’t have to do a dramatic overhaul to your diet to see improvements to your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Making small changes can be just as effective in lowering your risk of heart disease and may be easier to stick with for the long term.
You may want to follow a formal diet so you know exactly what to eat, or you might prefer having some general guidelines to keep in mind. Either way, a heart-healthy diet should include these principles:
  1. Stay within a reasonable daily calorie limit. Your diet shouldn’t cut out entire groups of foods or leave you hungry all the time. Prepackaged meals (single portions of balanced, calorie-controlled meals) may be an option for you.
  1. Use proper serving sizes. Consider getting a food scale so you can measure or weigh your food until you can learn to judge portions on your own. If you don’t want to use a scale, you can find portion size guides online.
  1. Cut back on:
    • Red meat.
    • Sugary foods and drinks. Try foods made with low- or no-calorie sweeteners, like sucralose, stevia, and aspartame instead of sugar.
    • Saturated and trans fats. Use healthier oils and sprays like olive or canola.
    • Sodium. Limit yourself to 2,300 milligrams (approximately one teaspoon a day) or less daily; 1,500 milligrams a day should be the max if you want to lower blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about whether you should use a salt substitute.
    • Processed foods or canned foods.
  1. Eat a variety of food that includes:
    • Fruits and vegetables, especially those that are high in potassium, like bananas, raisins, and oranges (7-9 servings every day)
    • Whole grains (6-8 servings a day)
    • Low-fat dairy (2-3 servings a day)
    • Fish and lean meats prepared without skin or added fats (up to 6 ounces a day)
  1. Get plenty of fiber. A fiber-rich diet has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes as well as lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol, lower blood sugar, and a healthy weight. Most adults need 20-30 grams a day. Great sources are whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans. If you can’t get enough from food, a fiber supplement might help. Check with your doctor about the type you should try.
Are there supplements that I can take to improve my heart health?
Omega-3 fatty acid, which is found mainly in fish, may help lower blood pressure and triglycerides, lowering your risk of heart disease. It’s best to get omega-3s from food, so you should aim to eat fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, and trout, at least twice a week.
When you aren’t getting enough omega-3s from food, a supplement may help. If you have heart disease or high triglycerides, talk to your doctor first. You may need larger doses or prescription-strength omega-3s.
Don’t take more than 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day unless your doctor tells you to. Taking too much can cause bleeding in some people. If you have a bleeding condition or take medicines that increase bleeding, such as blood thinners or pain relievers, talk to your doctor before taking omega-3s.
Should I take aspirin to help protect my heart?
Aspirin helps thin the blood and prevents clots from forming. Taking a low-dose aspirin daily may help prevent a heart attack if you’re at high risk for having one or you’ve had one in the past. Talk to your doctor about whether aspirin therapy is right for you.
You should not take aspirin if you:
    • Have an allergy to aspirin
    • Are having any medical or dental surgeries or procedures
    • Are at risk of stomach or intestinal bleeding or a hemorrhagic stroke (caused by ruptured blood vessels)
    • Drink alcohol regularly
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