Stop and think for a moment. When was the last time you managed to fit some exercise into your day? Was it yesterday? Last week? Last month?
What about the rest of your family? Have your kids been getting their recommended 60 minutes per day of exercise recently?
With all the hustle and bustle of school, sports, clubs and homework, it’s not surprising that exercise can sometimes fall by the wayside. There are always meetings, events, doctor and dentist appointments to keep…the list goes on and on. And after you’ve rushed through your hectic day, all you and your family want to do is collapse on the couch, exhausted.
But did you know that keeping yourself physically fit can actually help you make it through stressful, busy days with your energy intact?
Making time for regular exercise in your family’s schedule is a great way to boost energy levels, especially during those extra busy times of year. It’s also an effective way to strengthen your children’s immune systems and an important way to keep your entire family healthy and happy year-round, while having a great time bonding in the process.
So how can you squeeze some family exercise time into an already jam-packed schedule? Here are some tips to help you find a way:
1. Turn on the video games. It may seem counter intuitive, but there are actually many video games on the market today that get kids and parents alike on their feet and moving. Put in a dance game, or even a workout game, instead of a sedentary one, after a long, hard day at work or school, and watch the tension and stress melt away as the whole family giggles – and exercises – together.
2. Take an after-dinner walk. Anyone can squeeze a 10-minute walk into their day. And once you’re outside, you may find that it’s so pleasant, you’d like to keep going. Keep the kids interested by adding fun challenges every few minutes: race them to the next tree and back, or hop to the end of the block together.
3. Head out to the backyard. You don’t have to go far to get some fresh air and sports action: just step out your back door. Play an active game with the family dog, or shoot a few hoops – whatever your family enjoys doing together. You could even let your children take turns leading your family in a PE class of their own devising – they’ll love the attention they’ll get as coach, demonstrating proper form, and you just might be surprised at the intensity of the workouts they come up with.
4. Take advantage of the Claremore Rec Center. Too hot or rainy to go outside? Bored of video games? You’ll never be affected by the weather – or boredom – when you bring your family to exercise at the Rec. With all the group exercise classes, swim lessons, youth sports, and exercise equipment available, there’s something for everyone, whether you want to sweat it out in a group of new friends or build your strength alone. And with our convenient schedules, you’re sure to find something that fits into your family’s day, and your family’s life, perfectly.
So why not make the extra effort, and squeeze some exercise into your family’s schedule? They’re sure to thank you for it.
reprinted from
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